Tropical Turtle Chips in $10,000 Toward the Fight to Save Turtles
After mounting a massively successful NFT drop at the end of September, the team behind the highly popular non-fungible token Tropical Turtle has made a sizable donation to the Turtle Conservancy in a gesture to help save the lives of endangered sea turtles and tortoises. The donation totaled $10,000, and the company behind the blockchain-based character says that this won’t be the last.
The Tropical Turtle is a character created by the digital artist known as Eday, who partnered with other anonymous online figures known as Loya and Ghost. The iconic cartoon is the centerpiece of a non-fungible token or NFT, a contract based on a unique digital ledger traded online as a novelty piece. The collection has over 1,500 of these NFT contracts available for trading online and started with a valuation of 0.035 Ethereum per token or roughly $120. Today, the valuation for each artwork goes anywhere between 0.25 to 0.35 Eth or $870 to $1,200 per contract.
To promote its release, the Tropical Turtle released a roadmap that includes a bunch of NFT giveaways and pledges to the effort to save turtles from extinction. Ultimately, the NFT team has promised to give another 10 Ethereum or $30,000 towards turtle conservation. The recent beneficiary of the NFT drop, the Turtle Conservancy, is a 5013 non-profit that looks to save as many species of turtles and tortoises from extinction. It does this through habitat conservation, captive breeding programs, monitoring illegal trade of turtle products, and spreading global awareness.
Roughly half of over 300 species of turtles are now considered endangered, according to the IUCN red list criteria. The major contributors to the population decline are habitat loss and exploitation of turtles for medicinal products, and illegal pet trade. By donating to the work done by the Turtle Conservancy, the Tropical Turtle team hopes that it can make a difference.
1,500 Tropical Turtles hit the Open Sea community back on September 28, 2021. Currently, over 700 have now been acquired and traded, massively increasing its valuation. The Tropical Turtles collection is relatively scarce compared to some collections that might have up to 10,000 at a time, probably to show the declining population of sea turtles.
Non-fungible tokens have been the object of interest for traders, investors, and collectors worldwide. It has been a rising goldmine for artists as it provides a valuable way to trade artworks digitally. Many individuals have earned thousands, if not millions, of dollars online from creating and trading these artwork contracts on networks like Cardano and Ethereum. Accordingly, experts are looking at NFTs as one of the most influential means of trading art and other digital collectibles in the long term.
Currently, the team behind the Tropical Turtles is now planning to launch another character — the Tropical Otter. To date, the crypto-based community built around the NFT has a 50% unique ownership percentage, which is higher than the industry norm. Consequently, the community boasts a highly supportive collection of traders and collectors, which will only grow as adoption continues to scale.
To learn more about Tropical Turtles, visit the NFTs official website and Twitter account.